
Business, Commentary


06.26.11 | 13 Comments

For those of you who have followed this blog for any period of time, you’re probably wondering why it’s been like the sound of crickets on Musings from the Coast. Well, there are three explanations.

1 – Switch of Roles at my Day Job. That’s right, I’ve changed jobs and now am responsible for all things developer at Juniper Networks. Note, this blog is mine and mine alone, it has nothing to do with Juniper and I don’t speak for Juniper in this medium. The things posted here are my personal views, opinions, activities, etc. Treat the content as such.

2 – A new venture: re.vu. Having needed to update my resume in recent times, it became clear to me that the boring, plain old resume was not the way to go. Thus, I cofounded re.vu (pronounced “review”) with 2 colleagues and we’re driving this forward as a new way for job seekers to market themselves creatively. In these economic times, with almost 14 million Americans looking for work, we think this can be a great tool to help. Check out my re.vu to see what I’m talking about. If you’re reading this and we’re still in beta, leave a comment and I’ll get you a code.

3 – I’ve Converted to Twitter. That’s right, after all the bad stuff I had to say about it, I’ve come around to thinking it’s a good way of communicating and have been using it actively since mid-April (3rd time is a charm.) Now, if you’re like me and think about Twitter as being the way to be narcissistic, I can understand that. However, it’s all about who you follow and what you choose to share. You can see my recent tweets to the left in the sidebar. Follow me on @mah1 if you feel so inclined.

All this being said, I’ll try to be a little more diligent and post more than say, once every 60 days.

