As I age, the passage of time seems to accelerate. The years are flying by so fast now it seems tough to keep track of what happened when. Years are fading into decades; things that happened 20 years ago seem just like yesterday. It’s like a jump to hyperspace. Given that this is happening now, if I survive into my 80’s, what will it be like? Scary to consider.
As one of my favorite characters said: “It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage.” Right now I’m feeling each year at least twice and every mile three times…….
That being said, if you’re not moving, changing, and growing, you’re dead. So it’s time to climb back in the saddle and get on with it. What does 2013 have in store? Who knows, the best laid plans go awry once you start executing them. But when I look back on this year I hope to have made some positive impact and made life on this rock a little better in some way.
No resolutions or meaningless promises for 2013. Just a commitment to step in, grind it out, and show up every day with an attempt to be truly present at each step along the way. That’s the plan. Wish me luck.