

2004 Election: IQ View

08.17.07 | 2 Comments

Update: This is a hoax and I fell for it. Shame on me. As commenter Monkbird references below, here is a site that gives a somewhat discombobulated, but good description of the issue. In my defense, it caught the Economist too – 3 years ago. A simple Google search would save me this embarrassment…Lesson learned (and I should really know better…)

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Table of 2004 Presidential Election Results ranked by IQ and State

I’ve never put much stock in IQ results for individuals, but in groups I do think there is some validity of the test. I can’t say the information in this table is surprising. It does shed some light on why the people who will be hurt first and hurt the most are voting against their own interest. Investing in education is clearly critical to the longterm future of our democracy.

