Well, I’m working from Bangalore this week. I’m beginning to think I have some special super-power with respect to this trip. The first time I came here for this job, there were bombings in Bangalore the week before. The second time I came here for this job, it was the week after the Mumbai attacks. Now, it’s the Swine Flu! Want a catastrophe, ask when my next India trip is planned, we’ll know to take shelter the week before. Just fooling………
With regard to the Swine Flu, it is making things interesting. Everyone in Hong Kong was wearing a mask, the plane arriving into India was sprayed with some anti-viral solution before landing (which made me cough.) And before approaching immigration in India, a medical pre-screen was setup.
I was expecting to have my temperature, blood pressure, and blood taken, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, they had me fill out an extra form, asked if I was feeling ill (I said no, but how the heck do you really know if you don’t feel well or it’s simply the rigors of travel – after a few hours sleep, I know I told the truth, I’m fine.) I’ve now made it to the office and am starting the work week, should be fun.
And no, that’s not the office in the photo above, that’s the Bangalore Palace, I place I had the chance to visit last year.
Are you going to have to rename the blog? Musings from the Airport? Musings about not drinking the water?
Nah, I’ll be back to my usual stuff when no longer on the road. Took some video of Bangalore traffic last night, yikes. Drinking water is strictly bottled. No Musings required 😉