

I don’t get Twitter

03.26.08 | 9 Comments

Twitter Logo - why twit? what's the attraction?

At the risk of sounding like an old fogey, I don’t get Twitter. I’ve tried, but I just don’t see the necessity for what amounts to sms updates to the world at large – I mean, why bother? There’s IM that tells if you’re available or not. Email is instantaneous and ubiquitous these days. People, ahem, blog frequently letting others know what they’re up to. Why Twit? What’s the big attraction? Has it ever proven useful? Enquiring minds want to know…..

While I don’t get Twitter, I do have to admit, for some unknown reason, Twittervision can be mesmerizing although it’s a complete waste of time. All these people twitting here and there projected on a global map. But look at the content for a moment and it’s easy to realize this is not a high value communications medium.

So intrepid readers, if you twitter, tell me, what am I missing? Have I crossed the threshold to old?

