
More waste heat business for Ormat

08.07.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on More waste heat business for Ormat

Originally posted at Montara Energy Ventures

Italcementi Cement Plant
Italcementi West Virginia Cement Plant

Yesterday, Ormat announced a $5.7M deal with Italcementi Group to be installed at a Martinsburg, West Virginia cement plant. While the total size of the plant in MW was not disclosed, we believe it to be in the 3.5MW range. This marks another win in Ormat’s strategy to diversify from geothermal into the waste heat harvest business.

Business, Politics

$516,348 per U.S. household

08.06.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on $516,348 per U.S. household

Mentally Exhausted and Morally Bankrupt scrawled on the rear of a wrecked car

If this article forwarded along by Lloyd is even half right, we’re in more trouble than we know…

The federal government recorded a $1.3 trillion loss last year — far more than the official $248 billion deficit — when corporate-style accounting standards are used, a USA TODAY analysis shows.

The loss reflects a continued deterioration in the finances of Social Security and government retirement programs for civil servants and military personnel. The loss — equal to $11,434 per household — is more than Americans paid in income taxes in 2006.

“We’re on an unsustainable path and doing a great disservice to future generations,” says Chris Chocola, a former Republican member of Congress from Indiana and corporate chief executive who is pushing for more accurate federal accounting.

Modern accounting requires that corporations, state governments and local governments count expenses immediately when a transaction occurs, even if the payment will be made later.

The federal government does not follow the rule, so promises for Social Security and Medicare don’t show up when the government reports its financial condition.

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Not only are we losing sight of the Constitution, we’re spending ourselves into oblivion. This is simple stuff, if you were in this situation personally, you’d know what to do… Step 1, reign in the spending. Step 2, pay down the debt. Step 3, invest any excess capital. Step 4, don’t spend more than you bring in again. Oh, I forgot, it’s the Congress that holds the purse strings, the same people who bounced check after check from their OWN BANK!

What do you mean there’s no more money, we still have checks! We’re in trouble…


You’ll never drive a hydrogen powered car

08.06.07 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Originally posted at Montara Energy Ventures.

Mercedes Hydrogen Concept Car
Mercedes Hydrogen Car Concept Vehicle

Via Renewable Energy Access:

I’m going to make a prediction today: you will never drive a hydrogen fueled car. Although hydrogen does indeed have some benefits in certain applications, it’s my task today to separate the reality of useful fuel cells from the hydrogen hype. That may seem like a bold statement to you now, but by the end of this article, you’ll understand why.

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Mr. Nelder may well be correct in his assessment. But, we tend to believe, it is the trillions of $ required to make such a change that will ultimately drive the change. Enormous challenges create enormous opportunities.


Does anyone think this is a good idea?

08.05.07 | Permalink | 5 Comments

FISA - we hear everything you say. FISA Logo. US Police State Policy.

Update: John Dvorak’s blog used the image above without permission or attribution. That’s why I was forced to put the label on the image.

The headline reads this morning Congress gives Bush Administration more Eavesdropping Leeway. This, an administration that kidnaps, tortures, spys on its own citizens, lies, cheats, steals, and does so behind the opaque veil of “executive privilege.”

Bush publicly demanded that Congress extend this power. Given the Administration’s outright contempt of Congressional oversight, their inability to distinguish fact from untruth, and desire to operate without any transparency whatsoever, doesn’t expanding the legal power of the Administration to spy on Americans seem like something akin to providing the fox the keys to the hen house?

Congress, you did a good thing with the Energy Bill yesterday. But you should have told Bush to pound salt on FISA, rolled back the 1984-esque named PATRIOT Act, and started impeachment proceedings of George Bush, Richard Cheney, and Alberto Gonzales. You should be sending the Sargeant at Arms to take the current Executive Branch Members who refuse to testify before you into custody and compel them to speak. (I can’t help thinking that if the Executive Branch can perform “rendition” that the Congress should be able to do it too. In fact, being held secretly for a few years in a prison without access to legal counsel or rights would be just dessert for our present power mongers.)

Note to Congress: GROW A BACKBONE! You did a stupid thing for what might have seemed like good reason in 2002, but have you been paying attention since? Does this remind anyone of Star Wars where the Chancellor is collecting more “emergency powers?” No one would seriously consider that you’re anti-patriotic to want to limit executive powers now – in fact, I firmly believe it’s anti-patriotic to hand these evil-doers more power. Can we impeach Congress?


Bonds ties Aaron

08.04.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Bonds ties Aaron
Bonds hammers a home run

Bonds hammered the shot in the 2nd inning off the Padres hurler Clay Hensley. The count was 3-1 and the shot tallied Bond’s 21 dinger of the year. He now has 755 career home runs.

There has been much talk about this milestone and strong feelings that Barry Bonds is a cheater and drug user and thus shouldn’t receive accolades for meeting and ultimately breaking Hank Aaron’s record. Well, I say “shah, right, like none of the pitchers he was trying to hit were on the juice.” The reality is, like every other professional athelete, Bonds tried to get an edge. It was illegal and he got caught (sort of) – but it’s not like he was alone. Does anyone really believe in their heart of hearts the pitchers weren’t doing the same thing?

Bonds suffers from being an asshole. He’s not a likable character, he’s a high strung competitor, he’s childish, he cheated, and he got caught. But, he has tied the record and unless he does something like retire tomorrow, he will break the record. So purists, get over it. It’s done. Give Barry his due. You don’t have to like him, you don’t have to respect him, but you do have to recognize the achievement.

Oh, and by the way, there’s still rampant cheating going on (perhaps not Bonds now) but you can rest assured the rest of the major leaguers are looking for any edge, legal or not, to keep them in the league and enhance their performance. It’s wrong, but it’s what the major sporting leagues are all about. And don’t think for a moment that MLB doesn’t know – they simply don’t care because it puts a stronger, more exciting product on the market.

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