

Rambo takes a cruise

02.24.07 | Comment?

During a stop in Costa Rica by a cruise ship, several passengers banded together to rent a van and get a guided tour of the sights. At a stop in the tour, three masked men brandished knives and guns attempting to hold up a female passenger at which time a 70 year-old military veteran grabbed one of the attackers, and subdued him (well, more accurately, killed him with his bare hands.) The other two attackers fled and after a short time to straighten things out with the local officials, the passengers were allowed back on the ship as the incident was clearly self-defense.

Aside from one attacker, no one else was harmed, though the female passenger was shaken up. This sounds too bizarre to be real…I’m going to guess that would-be thieves in Costa Rica think twice about future tourist holdups.

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