Maybe I’m just getting older and crankier, but I simply cannot stand the hyperbole of “such and such is the greatest player ever” or “it was the greatest game ever” or “the greatest company ever.” Particularly *before* the event has been played or while the player is still playing the game. Obviously this “greatest ever” […]
Seems like it’s not a good time to be a celebrity, they’re dying left and right. With all the hoo-ha going on around this “Michael Jackson was the best performer ever!” NOT! I thought I’d weigh in with the one passing that actually had any connection for me, that was Farrah Fawcett. Not that I […]
In a down advertising market, a game maker has decided to absolutely flood the available online ad space with the image shown to the right. For some reason, my ad block software seems to fail on this particular set of ads, so I see it all the time and I’m sick of them. So my […]
When I saw this, I splut liquid through my nose I laughed so hard. If ads were like this in the US, I’d watch more commercial TV – just for the ads! No, we go all crazy over anything sex related except when it’s combined with violence (i.e., touch a breast, it’s rated X, cut […]
NSFW. This contains every swear word ever uttered during the course of the show. Duration: 27 minutes. You only have to listen a little to know the entire episode. Seven words, pshah! George Carlin, eat your heart out!