
Business, Innovation

Use the net to recover your pet

01.09.08 | 2 Comments

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PetAlertz, the network powered pet recovery system from My Pet Street

A good friend of mine, Connie Weiss, launched her latest enterprise yesterday, My Pet Street. MPS is a community for pet owners with tons of useful information, some social networking/rating features, and a fantastic service that every dog/cat owner should use, PetAlertz. It’s pretty simple, when you agree to participate in PetAlertz you register your pet, get a tag, and simply agree to participate. Should your pet ever go walkabout, you can then send an alert to the PetAlertz community (localized of course) to garner the support, eyes, and ears of pet owners in your neighborhood in the process of recovering your pet.

Gracie the Wonder Dog
Gracie the Wonder Dog

This is a fantastic example of the power of participation and networking used to solve a problem in the real world. My Pet Street also has a list of providers for your pet and will soon have a boutique to supply the best and most useful products to the connected and thoughtful pet owner. I’m signed up with our hound Gracie, if you have a pet, I encourage you to register as well. After all, it’s free, it’s at least a little insurance against future lost pets, and perhaps you can even help when you see that lost animal in your neighborhood. Sign up now!

Disclosure: I get nothing if you do sign up, you get a little piece of mind.

