

Bloom Is Off Barack

07.11.08 | 4 Comments


Fooled again might have been the better title for this entry. Despite my age and experience, I actually believed that Barack Obama stood for something more than his personal desire to attain power. I guess, I thought he was that rarest of people, a politician with principle. His message of hope and change is exactly what the country needs particularly when backed up by a man of principle.

Earlier this week, Mr. Obama proved that he’s no different than any other politician striving to attain higher office. And while this revelation was not unexpected, it somehow was still surprising and most definitely disappointing. Part of Obama’s message has been about accountability and one of his promises was to filibuster any bill that included immunity for telecommunications companies relative the government’s illegal spying on US citizens. This week, the such a bill came to the floor and Mr. Obama didn’t filibuster, he didn’t even vote no, he supported it with a yea vote.

This FISA bill is a steaming pile no matter how you spin it – it significantly places individual Constitutional rights at risk for further erosion. Now, we’re not likely to ever know the real damage the Bush Administration caused by illegally spying on citizens because it’s all swept under the table in this legislation. This action constitutes a breach of trust of the highest order.

Now, instead of enthusiastically supporting candidate Obama, I find myself in the all too familiar position of voting for the lesser evil: do I choose McCain, a known politician and liar or Obama, now a known politician and liar? Does it really matter? What a truly depressing development.

