Might as well go around advertising UFO abduction on your car…this wouldn’t have been out of place in the Fairborn, Ohio Fourth of July Parade. Why is it religious nutjobs also have to pull out the patriot card? By and large, it seems these are the same peckerheads who think torture is a good idea! Ah, nationalism wrapped in the bible, what a wonderful world we live in.
Yesterday, about an hour after I returned home, two missionaries came calling at the door. I was very polite and said that I wasn’t interested in their product. But they wouldn’t take no for an answer and I suggested it was highly probable there is no god of any sort and that they would be better served selling some other product door-to-door. That got me a “Though you are headed for eternal damnation, I’ll pray for you anyway” parting comment.
I’ve never had an atheist knock on my door asking me to join the club…come to think of it, I’ve never had an atheist ask for 10% of my money either. Or ask me to talk to imaginary friends with a group of other deluded souls. Yep, I’ll take the road to damnation every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
Whackos like that give whackos like me a bad name…
Atheists are always welcome to go door-to-door, the pamphlets would at least be more interesting. The D2D people are pretty used to rejection and argument, so they mostly do it because they have a passion for it. Maybe atheists just aren’t convicted enough.
It also could be that there’s not benefit to D2D atheism. The religious people can collect money, athiests can’t. Why? Well athiests aren’t non-profit, they’re non-prophet. (rimshot)
Okay, I realize that was a long way to go for a bad pun. But I had conviction… 🙂
Now that was hilarious, well worth the wait!
Next time you should get them to ask you if you have beliefs…. then as you close the door say ” yes, I believe I’m closing the door. Kills two birds with one stone. Always a good idea. Glad you are safely back where you belong.
That’s funny Tom, thanks for sharing.