Today, many of our fellow humans are celebrating the snuff play of perhaps a real man named Jesus. The thing that’s kinda creepy, and kinda cool, is that Easter is the only holiday that celebrates the zombie! What would Ed Wood say? Make a movie! Guess Mel Gibson got the memo except he got a little confused and decided to make a snuff film instead.
Now, really, people want you to believe that some human came back from the dead to save you from your sins. This is in the same league as the Tom Cruise-ites with their Thetans. Humans have to be one of the more interesting and bizarre species in the galaxy….
In any case, happy Passover, Easter, Zombie-land, whatever. Hope the oviparous bunny leaves you some delicious chocolate (oh, yes, and my six-year old daughter taught me that word – yikes!)
Hey, the main difference is that in Christianity, we eat his flesh on a regular basis. He doesn’t eat ours. There’s probably a lesson in there somewhere.
Best of Easter, and glad you’re back to blogging.
Now that’s a great comment, thanks Jim. And nice to hear from you, hope things are going well at the ranch.