
Commentary, Politics

Why Gay Marriage Matters

05.16.08 | 2 Comments

Greta and Partner of 20 years
Gay Wedding
Attribution: Greta Christina

Yesterday, in a 4-3 ruling, the California Supreme Court overturned a ban on gay marriage. This is a momentous decision we should all care about, not because it legalizes these unions (congratulations to the many committed couples I know who are now free to exercise their right) or because someone may oppose that view, but because it is a reaffirmation about what America is all about: Freedom.

Ultimately, a citizen of the United States should be able to do, think, say, and pursue *ANYTHING* they choose provided that choice does not infringe upon the rights of others and that person is a productive member of society. This ruling isn’t so much about the specific topic from my perspective, it’s about being American, being free, and actually fulfilling the words of our forefathers “All men are created equal” – and in the 21st century that should read “All People Are Created Equal.”

I’m very often critical of our government due to its many, many failures. But in this instance, I’m proud to see that government is working, protecting the rights of citizens in the pursuit of happiness in the face of determined and committed bigots who oppose freedom for all but themselves in the name of morality, religion, and tradition.

Be free, be happy, and participate in our process or run the risk of losing your freedom.

