Is anyone the least bit surprised by the contents of the Mitchell report? I mean, really? This isn’t news..The only surprising thing is that there weren’t more players implicated than the few dozen named in the report.
People who are 6’6″ tall and weigh 260lbs are not naturally going to have 40″ vertical jumps and sub-4.4 in the forty speed. These are freaks of nature and rarely occur naturally. So baseball players have been using steroids, No Sh*t Sherlock! How about NFL, NBA, NHL, boxers, ultimate fighters, wrestlers, college football, track, and basketball? Does anyone really believe that these athletes are clean? Puh-leeze.
These are competitors at the top of their profession and they will do ANYTHING to stay on top. As the regulatory bodies that oversee sports wakeup and enforce bans, maybe the steroid usage will decline. Cycling seems to be testing constantly, yet cyclers still dope. People will always try to get an edge. Period.
Here’s a thought, is it time to simply have a set of “unlimited” class in sports where anything goes? That might be more sensible than trying to put the genie back in the bottle, if the genie can be put back in the bottle. Let’s make ’em legal and tax them heavily – that might actually reduce the demand.
My reaction to this? Yawn. Let’s hear actual news next time…
[…] disgusting, it’s immoral, and it’s not what the founders had in mind. But hey, at least the report on steroids came back confirming what everyone knows, that professional athletes use steroids. I’m glad […]