Originally published at Montara Energy Ventures.

Yesterday we made an initial trip to the parcel of land MeV won in the BLM auction earlier this month. This parcel is 1720 acres, about 2 and 2/3 sections. Initial walk through showed no obvious surface manifestations of geothermal activity on the property, though the valley floor has numerous springs and faults and the parcel is located in an area with high likelihood of geothermal activity (the Dixie Valley Geothermal plant is located a few miles away.)
Basalt and welded tuff were observed along with a large quantities limestone. There were several interesting geological features that merit further exploration as well. Transmission is present within 400 meters of the south boundary of the parcel. We now have an idea of what we’ve got (or not) and will develop a plan to more concretely determine the resource potential for this land. It was a fun and instructive day in the field. Tweet