

Candidate Selection Tool

07.26.07 | 2 Comments

Screenshot of Candidate Selector tool

With such a large field of potential candidates for the Presidency, it’s helpful to be able to compare views to understand which candidates may be worthy of your support or scorn. Now, this tool is only as good as the data that is being fed into it, and these are all politicians, so you know what that means – the position today is in no way guaranteed to be the position tomorrow. But even with those limitations, this is an interesting and useful tool.

Essentially, it allows you to select your preference for an issue and assign each issue a weight. Left default, each issue is worth 1 point. If you think a particular issue is important, it increases the point total on that issue to a value of 2. If you believe an issue is key, it increases the point weight to 5 for that issue. I encourage you to try it out, first with defaults and then with increased weight to key and important issues. I was surprised somewhat by the results it produced for me, posted below.

Screenshot of Candidate Selector tool

Once you’ve tried it out, leave a comment if you learn something. I’d really like to see more commentary on the blog vs. the out of band email that has been routine. Have you seen other tools that would be interesting and useful? Please share them.

