

Monterey Bay Aquarium

09.05.06 | Comment?

The Monterey Bay Aquarium – if you’ve never been or haven’t visited for awhile, I recommend you take the time to check it out. My daughter and I spent the day there and it was a fun learning experience for her (and me.)

Bat Ray in the touching pool

The highlights of the day were the touching pools with bat rays and various plants (like kelp) and animals (like starfish and sea cucumbers,) the sea otters at play, and the outer bay exhibit at feeding time for the tuna (this is a 3.8 million liter tank with a movie theater screen sized view.)

The exhibits are really well done and it’s easy to navigate, even with a three-year old on your shoulders. Check it out if you can.

Meatspace coordinates: N37.32.4 W122.30.9
Ohio State’s 2006 record: 1-0 Next up: Texas 9/9 5pm PST
Tune: Fuego by Alex Cuba Band

Technorati Tags: | Monterey | Travel | Mike Harding Blog

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