
Coastal Stuff

What is Faith?

05.05.08 | 1 Comment

The dictionary.com definition of faith is:

Dictionary.com definition of faith

This question is important and becoming all the more so since there is a growing portion of our population that blindly believes Bronze Age myths due to the notion of “faith.” I could wax rhapsodic on this subject for hours. Rather than do that, I’d like to share an entry from Greta Christina’s blog which is a very articulate and accurate description of religious faith contrasted with secular faith.

The net of this is, secular faith is a rational trust developed over time with evidence. It is not absolute and can be reshaped, or even lost, as the situation changes. Religious faith is a different animal, it’s about being absolutely convinced of the presence of a deity and giving up one’s life, thoughts, and soul to that entity in exchange for ever-lasting life in paradise.

Go read Greta’s blog, it’s much more articulate and rich in context than this abridged version.

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