
Commentary, Media

Religulous is Fabulous

10.05.08 | 6 Comments

Maher with fake Jesus

Bill Maher really outdoes himself in Religulous, where he roams around the world asking the experts questions about religion. He focuses mostly on religions of the book (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) but hits some of the nuttier off-shoots as well including Mormonism, a Latin fellow named Jesus who claims to be the second coming, and of course, Scientology. Watch out for those Thetans!

While Maher’s viewpoint is clear throughout the work, he manages to ride the line of not being outright offensive to those he interacts with while communicating the point. There is so much content in the work it’s hard to pick a favorite moment, but the Scientology sequence has to be up there. Then again, the interview with the nutty Jew who wants to get rid of Israel is good too, as is the sequence in the roadside chapel for truckers. The interchange with the ex-gay preacher, the Mormons, and the Muslims are enlightening as they are frightening. As one would expect with Maher, there were a number of highly humorous moments. But overall, the piece is serious and without the humor would likely be too depressing to have any appeal at all.

The trip to the Creation Museum is just sad. I commented about this some time ago.

If, as Maher claims, 16% of Americans are non-religious, it is time for a movement to come together, get organized, and start converting the flock to rationalist positions from their parent-facilitated brainwashing of religion. It’s our only hope for long-term survival of the species. I’m beginning to get downright intolerant of the faithful and I certainly resent greatly their intrusion into my life with their translation of their specific mythology.

Arise ye thinking people and take back our country from the delusional fringe!

