

The Curse of Faith

05.18.08 | 1 Comment

Wow, Pat Condell has expressed something that I believe with every fiber of my being: exposing children to religion is irretrievably stupid, incredibly dangerous, and insidiously criminal behavior. The core message of the video above is about faith and I agree with that too, but toward the end he discusses how we’re abusing children’s rights by brainwashing them before they even have a chance to know which way is up. We don’t ask them questions, we give them answers they haven’t asked to receive.

Many years ago I read a book by Neal Stephenson called Snow Crash, the core thesis of that book is that certain practices and behaviors can be programmed into the human psyche. It’s a small step from that thinking to begin to believe that religion is a self-replicating virus that largely depends on parents exposing their children to the infectious agent before they are able to build immunity (reason and rational thought) to it.

Guess it’s a video weekend. Visit Pat’s site and view his other work.

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