Last night saw the first D-IA college football games. There were a couple of good ones, a potential upsets (didn’t happen,) and a reminder that it’s early in the season. First, hats off to the Northern Arizona Lumberjacks. For 3 quarters, they had the look of a I-AA team playing like a I-A team holding […]
One of my friends asked me the other day “why college football, why not basketball, or pro football?” I thought about it and gave this answer generally (though less articulately since I have a chance to review and edit what I’m writing.) 28,000 – that’s the number of people who attended a practice; not a […]
We’re on the eve of another college football season. The teams have been practicing and preparing for the next 4 months of fun. The Bucks had their fall jersey scrimmage yesterday with the defense pulling out a W on the last play, 66-65 retaining the scarlet jerseys until spring. Bucknuts has a great story about […]
There must be something in the water. Everyone is updating uniforms. I’ve monitored lively discussions on the Bucknuts forum about the new Buckeye uniforms. Summary, the fans don’t like them, the players do. Last night I inadvertently watched the Monday night preseason game between the Oakland Raiders and Minnesota Vikings. I’m not a big NFL […]
Same rules apply, here are some items I found useful, entertaining, silly, interesting, etc. There is no relationship intended between them. Venture Funding alive and well in the Valley as reported by the San Jose Mercury News. 46,000 of pieces of plastic per square mile of ocean! I believe it, we see a fair amount […]