After all the grief I’ve given President Bush in this blog, you might be surprised at this post. I think Bush will be remembered as a great President, his legacy is secure.
From his record vacation days, to his immediate response in the face of the terror attacks on September 11th, to his carrier landing and orchestrated Iraq victory speech in 2003, to his proactive management of the economy, healthcare, immigration, and national security. His Administration has cut a bold path.
One of the most innovative aspects of his Administration has been in the area of finances. What other President has ever been able to increase the size of the government and concurrent spending while reducing taxes? It’s the realization of “new math” – where the rules we’ve all learned have been suspended and replaced by a whole new approach.
Another distinguishing characteristic of his Administration has been the ability to orchestrate rendition and aggressive interrogation of evildoers around the globe. Not only has he been successful in protecting us with these measures, he’s been able to extend this security into the private lives of all Americans.
There is no doubt that Bush will be remembered fondly and judged fairly for his actions and innovations while in office. We’ll miss the President sure to be remembered as the Decider when he leaves office in 2009.
No, I didn’t really lose my mind…hope you chuckled a little at that.
[…] I couldn’t wait to post some new content to push that photo of Bush down the page from my lame April Fools prank. When I wrote the thing, I threw up a little – let’s face it, Bush’s legacy is secure […]
This guy say “Anyone who voted for George Bush owes me a personal apology”, you can comment on that — or make an apology on his site: