One of the traditions that has developed over years of marriage to my spouse is that for my birthday (long past this year) we book a concert and have a big night out.
This year the concert was Sheryl Crow at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga, California. It’s a great venue on the side of hill overlooking San Francisco Bay and Silicon Valley. The temperature is very comfortable, the acoustics are very good, and it seems intimate despite the size of the venue.
We got something of a late start and so missed the opening act, honeyhoney, but I think that’s OK. We payed our opening band dues in our youth. As one comic has in his act: have a rock-n-roll show for adults. Starts at 7, valet parking, nice food & drink, the main act comes on, does the classics, throws in a couple of the new songs, and boom you’re out and home by 10.
One of the disappointments was the draconian measures to prevent photos from being taken. I like to have those a visual reminders of the experience, but it wasn’t possible this time around. Despite that limitation, the show as a good one. Fast paced, high energy. Great performances all around from Sheryl and the band. One thing I didn’t know was how many instruments she plays in addition to vocals: electric & acoustic guitar, accordion, keyboard, and various percussion instruments.
Another interesting thing is that Sheryl is a tiny person – I don’t mean skinny per se, but rather just a small of stature human being. She has such a large persona that seeing her in person was a little jarring. She’s clearly a gifted performer and has grown since her early hits in the 1990’s.
The best moment for me was her doing a simple and heartfelt acoustic version of “Strong Enough” center stage without much window dressing. The crowd seemed to enjoy the Cars theme and “Soak Up the Sun.”
Mission was accomplished. I had some Fun!