Yesterday was all about track lighting. I can say with some certainty that this is the first (and last) time I will ever install track lighting. Talk about a product set in need of some improvement!
In any case, the front or “explore” room is now trackified (though I’m not certain the fixtures on the track are the final answer – it was cheaper to buy kits that included lamps than 4′ sections of track. Go figure.) We’ve got 2 circuits going in that room and I’ll likely put a dimmer on one so we can use it after hours to keep things somewhat lit after dark.
Still waiting on phone/internet – should happen any time. The alarm guys are coming out next week. And today/tomorrow will be about lighting in the “create” room. There are 8 drop fixtures to run conduit for, wire up, and add the lamp fixtures to. We’ve been all over the place on what those fixtures should be (have an artist do it, scavenge different fixtures to make each distinct, make our own fixtures, or go with something uniform, but industrial.) We finally decided on the latter and they should arrive tomorrow. I’d like to be able to install them before the weekend is complete.
Meanwhile, we’ve got display fixtures arriving next Wednesday which should be exciting. A couple of 1920’s era apothecary counters and some associated accessories. We’ve got vertical bulk bins and the work table being built as we speak, and the pods/shelves are still undergoing some design work. I’ll look forward to the time we can just focus on product!
Our logo is also underway and we’re having a spirited discussion about how it should finally look. Should resolve that one today. That’s the update from Oddyssea Half Moon Bay! Back to the physical world for some more work.