So, I wake up normally at 4:30, as is my custom.
I attempt to get my head spun up and get ready for a busy day.
Here’s the agenda: clear the normal communications backlog from over night, drive to Menlo Park, meet one of my re.vu co-founders to finish an investor presentation and demo, head to Kleiner Perkins for a pitch as part of Venture Beat’s DEMO tour, head back to Half Moon Bay to help my spouse with a task, drive to Martinez to get a look at potential fixtures for the store, pick up the kid from school, piano practice, a call for business development purposes, and then a catch up with the day’s communication backlog. Go back to Menlo Park to the Dutch Goose for a Venture Beat hosted party. Come home to perform the night time ritual before bed time for my daughter.
I think we could agree this sounds hectic.
Here’s what was not on the agenda: The re.vu site became unavailable for me, and all users about 6:30am PDT yesterday morning. Now thread troubleshooting throughout the day with myriad calls and emails to Vanuatu, Ohio, and other locales to attempt to get the site back in working order. Ugh. If you are a curious sort, you can read what happened here. I didn’t make it back to Menlo for the party. The night time ritual was honored.
The results were: We got the presentation together for Kleiner and Venture Beat and delivered it effectively (we think.) We hacked a solution to allow us at least to demo, while the overall site was down, and ultimately managed to put in place an alternative revu.cc and get standard re.vu back up by 6pm that evening. Special thanks to Steve, Bart, Ish, and Bruce as we navigated through this morass. The rest of the day’s events came off without a hitch.
Coming back to our trip to Sand Hill road to talk with the Big Guys, it was instructive. We were coached on some areas we could be a bit more thoughtful about and emerged with a better idea of where, how, and when we are going to take re.vu.
One thing is clear, bootstrapping is great. But at some point if you’re going to go big, you need some cash to make it happen. We’re going for it. Show Us the Money! (If you want to be a part of our funding round, write me a note 😉 SEC Disclosure: This is not an offer to buy securities. Any purchase of securities in a company like re.vu must be as an accredited investor and handled through the appropriate channels and procedures.
Off to a similarly busy, though hopefully not as dramatic day today. Let’s hope it’s a little luckier than Thursday the 9th!