

And The Geese Still Wait

01.23.09 | Comment?

It has been over a week since the incident involving the US Air flight over New York in which all 155 humans were recovered from the freezing water. However, as depicted below, the geese still are in the dark about the fate of their family members….Prominent Goose spokes-bird Gary Goose is quoted as saying “Honk, honk — HONK, Honk, honk – honk – honk.” The Goose whisper indicates that the translation of this is “The FAA has done nothing for us and we’re considering a civil suit against alleged ‘hero’ Captain Sullenberger.” Neither the FAA nor Capt. Sullenberger were available for comment.

HT: Bruce

Geese involved in the US Air incident in NY in June are still awaiting news of the fate of their family members.

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