

On The Trail in Ohio

10.13.08 | Comment?

Jackass in Ohio spreading hate and lies in the name of religion.

Photo Credit: Brett Marty (brettmarty.com).

A picture is worth 1,000 words (even if it only has eight on its lame sign.) I can’t say I’m surprised, but it does continue to be disappointing that full-grown people (I won’t say adults) actively spread these lies. After all, Obama isn’t Muslim nor am I aware of any baby killing on his part. Should evidence of baby homicide exist on the Senator’s part, I’m certain it would have been mentioned during the course of the campaign.

The lying and spread of lies is not surprising but very disappointing. It goes hand and hand with the fact that 84% of US Americans (shout out to Ms. South Carolina) continue to believe there is an all powerful being out there that will reward them when they’re dead if they don’t act like complete jackasses while alive. Guess that rules the guy in the picture out…Some non-fundie christian god is gonna smite him good!

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