

Post Debate Entry

09.26.08 | 2 Comments

What a bunch of build up for so little content. Bickering, few facts, cheap shots, and half truths. Things that struck me as odd: “we are winning in Iraq” – hmmm, what does exactly the definition of winning?

Obama/McCain debate 1

The surge has reduced violence in Iraq and that is an improvement, but I still don’t see that we’ve got an exit strategy that leaves a strong, independent state – and hopefully a democracy.

A battle is being won? in Iraq with respect to reduced violence against US Soldiers, but the war is being lost in Afghanistan.

I’ll save you the 90 minutes of frustration in watching this content. McCain spends his time waving the flag and spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Obama spends his time condemning Bush and attempting to link McCain to those policies. Neither candidate was particularly effective, perhaps they should have canceled the debate…..

