

Dumb Michigan Democrats

03.15.08 | Comment?

Set aside this particular election cycle and its candidates. Consider that Michigan’s Democrats (along with Florida) decided to move their primary date earlier in the cycle without concurrence from the National Committee. Indeed, the DNC said to both Michigan and Florida, if you do that, your delegates will not be seated at the convention. Ironically, the point to move the primaries forward was to make the states more relevant in the primary process.

Well, the states moved the primaries anyway and the DNC seems to have followed through with the consequences of not having the primaries in these two states count, although, that’s where the Dumb Michigan Democrats come in. In the state, the Democratic leadership, the very same people who got them into this mess, are now touting a “do over”. They’re now working to get the Michigan Legislature to approve new rules that would allow a second primary which would be privately funded to happen before June 10. Florida seems to be exploring similar tactics, but isn’t as far along.

Without boring readers about everything that needs to be done to pull this off, it looks like a long shot. However, even entertaining this notion is rank stupidity. The states knew what was at stake, they acted in the manner that triggered the consequences, they need to own those consequences, learn from them and not repeat them. Set aside the candidates and what’s actually happening in the campaigns, let’s think about the precedent that would be set. It’s not a good one and Michigan Democrats ought to be intelligent enough to understand that.

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