

This Makes Too Much Sense

03.07.08 | Comment?

A stoned Moses believes a burning bush is talking to him, and it's not just anyone, it's god talking to him
Image Credit: LDS Church (Australia)

Recently, Benny Shanon, a professor of cognitive psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, advanced a theory that Moses was high when he received the 10 commandments from god on Mount Sinai. In fact, I think many of the myths recorded in the bible make much more sense when filtered through the lens of Dazed and Confused. It certainly paints a different picture of ancient life when we actually humanize the characters involved and make them party to the same failings witnessed by society today.

If the human race survives another five thousand years, it will be fascinating to know if some crack-head standing on a street corner in San Francisco could be viewed as a prophet and even messiah in retrospect. Kind of puts all this nonsense in perspective doesn’t it?

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