

Go ELFYourself!

12.07.07 | 4 Comments

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Last night, one of my family members sent me a link to the ridiculous, viral network tool, Go ELFYourself! Effectively, it’s a mashup of photo technology (cool stuff) and a flash type movie where you can turn your favorite photos into dancing elves rocking out to Jingle Bells. There’s even a process to add voice, though I didn’t test it.

I’m hoping these guys have a sense of humor, in honor of it being viral and a Web 2.0 kind of thing, I decided to Elf: Jason Calacanis, Michael Arrington, Robert Scoble, and Guy Kawasaki.

Here’s a screenshot, click the image to see the Elves dance!

Click to Watch Them Dance!
Arrington, Calacanis, Scoble, and Kawasaki are Elfed!

All kidding aside, OfficeMax and PixFusion have created an interesting and topical viral message for the holidays.

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