As mentioned previously, I’m working to bring some monetization to this blog. I don’t want to do it in such an intrusive way that it annoys people into not visiting, but I do want to harvest some benefit from the traffic that rolls through these parts on a monthly basis. To that end, I’ve started an experiment with Kontera, a contextual link advertising system. The way it works is that it “reads” what I’ve written and selects particular words/phrases that it finds interesting and highlights them as a link.
When a reader mouses over the link, a little window appears with more information about that word/phrase that might provide the reader with interesting information and may cause the reader to click the box to fetch that information. I don’t know how well it will work and I don’t know how annoying it will be, but it’s worth a try. If you have comments about this experiment, please feel free to share them in the comment field below. I am interested to understand what visitor’s experience is when reading content from this site.
Here’s what a representative Kontera pop-up look like: