This is a pretty cool site (I’ve seen it referenced a couple of times, don’t know who to attribute to so I won’t.) It’s a place you can create maps of all the places you’ve been. Let’s start with my home country, the good old US of A. As you can see from the map, […]
One of the things we Coastsiders do to non-residents is talk up the fog/bad weather thing. Call it motivated self-defense from the 6 million people on the other side of the hill. That being said, the time between September and May has some of the best weather to be found in the area. Yesterday, it […]
On Friday night, China Standard Time, I had one of the most enjoyable and memorable dinners ever at a restaurant called the Legend of the Flower (Hua Jia Yi Yuan) on Ghost Street (Gui Jie) in Beijing. The meal started as around eight people converged on the restaurant from our office in two cars during […]
Forget “jet lag” – I think travel shock is more accurate. Aside from the sleep deprivation component to international travel, there are also mental and emotional side effects that aren’t often discussed. For example, it hit me yesterday when walking the dog around the block in the cold (for here) air. Merely 18 hours before […]
Hot travel tip: When you’re in a city that you don’t know and you can’t read or speak the language, make sure your taxi driver knows where he’s going BEFORE you step in the car. In this case, I though I had it covered because I had the name, address, and a map of the […]