As previously indicated, I am planning a road trip in September. My team, ever observant (and irreverant) took it upon themselves to schedule a final staff meeting yesterday to help me with my preparations. I have to admit, I did think it odd that my team wanted to get together a final time and expected […]
My daughter is 3 years old. As a 3 year old, she has some irrational fears. Not what you’d think like monsters in the closet or the boogeyman, but fear of car washes. Like most parents, I struggle from time to time on how to get my daughter to listen to me and periodically, I’ll […]
I’ve made several references to the amount of time I’ve spent traveling in the past few years. When I mention places I’ve been people who don’t travel frequently tend to say things like “Oh, that’s sounds great, I wish I had the opportunity to do that.” And you know what, I agree if the travel […]
If you read this blog at all, you know one thing I do is travel. I make every attempt to minimize travel as it is very disruptive to my personal life, but sometimes it’s necessary. Earlier this week while driving into the office listening to the radio, I heard a story about “stand-up seating.” You […]
So I’m sitting at the San Francisco airport as I write this entry with my plane delayed indefinitely (so the airport info and counter agent say.) Any of you who travel routinely will know this situation all too well. Maintenance issue forcing a switch of equipment. One thing that’s great now is that because I […]