Uh, I’ve heard of tow-in surfing, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. This fellow is crazy, inventive, and brave all a the same time. Move over kite surfing, here’s a real sport… HT: Bruce Turner
The dictionary.com definition of faith is: This question is important and becoming all the more so since there is a growing portion of our population that blindly believes Bronze Age myths due to the notion of “faith.” I could wax rhapsodic on this subject for hours. Rather than do that, I’d like to share an […]
Well, the power surge of 2008 has resulted in a full-scale appliance massacre at our house. Apparently, the combination of high winds and ocean air resulted in the corrosion of the neutral wire on the feed to our house. That was coupled with a break in the insulation of the positive and when the wind […]
It would appear PGE is having some difficulty in maintaining a steady 120VAC current to Montara, and thus my links are down today (and hopefully my equipment isn’t completely fried.) Current is alternating between brownout low voltage and surge. It’s pretty weird. So I expect to be back at some point, but am down for […]
No, I have no need of a podiatrist. And while, yes, it is embarrassing, frustrating, and inconvenient that the unit of measure for length in the US remains the foot, this entry isn’t about adoption of the metric system either. No, my daughter has decided to play soccer (football to the rest of the world.) […]