Just in case you had any confusion about what you’re voting for in the 2012 election, I prepared this handy chart to help sort things out. Feel free to use it and share it!

Just in case you had any confusion about what you’re voting for in the 2012 election, I prepared this handy chart to help sort things out. Feel free to use it and share it!
While I want to respect the humorous spirit in which your post is intended…
Republicans have been the party of increasing the size of government, in the name of small government. Republicans have been the party of spend-spend-spend, in the name of fiscal conservatism. Republicans have been the party of bailouts, in the name of free markets. Republicans have been the party to cut health care, in the name of protecting life. Republicans have been the party to legislate morality, in the name of individual freedom and separation of Church and State. Republicans have been the party to advocate unregulated gun ownership, in the name of a well-regulated militia.
The Republican symbol is an elephant because they don’t care about anything small, including the vast majority of Americans. An elephant may never forget, but it assures that voters do.
Democrats believe so much in common ground that they start negotiating from the middle, end up deep in Republican territory, get abandoned by whatever Republicans strung them along, and then get derided for abandoning their principles. Democrats are the Progressive party because they fail to make progress.
The Democrat symbol is an ass because that’s where their heads are stuck.
I believe that instant run-off voting was killed not due to “voter confusion”, but due to the Repugnicans and the Dolittecrats wanting to protect their political duopoly. Given the choice they’ve forced on me, I’ll go with the party that Disappoints me over the party that Repels me.
It really was intended to be light-hearted, guess I hit a nerve. As with most elections, we have a choice between dumb and dumber. It’s all the perspective of the voter as to which candidate plays which role. Choose the lesser evil. Vote!