

Friday Opportunity

04.27.12 | 1 Comment

Web stat trends from re.vu

I don’t know what people are thinking about on Fridays, but it’s certainly not translating into actions related to job search. An interesting pattern I’ve noticed looking at visitor statistics from the re.vu site is that Friday is consistently the lightest traffic weekday each and every week.

If you look at the snippet of stats to the right, you can see people start the week with enthusiasm. Tuesday and Wednesday are strong performers too. By Thursday, enthusiasm is waning and by Friday it drops off sometimes 25% from the other weekday traffic totals. Since Saturday/Sunday are weekends, I don’t pay as much attention to them other than to note traffic spikes when someone has written about re.vu somewhere and it sends in disproportionate traffic.

Is there a lesson to take from this? I don’t know. But it does strike me that if other job seeking activity follows this curve (and that’s not a wild assertion) then Friday could be the absolute best day to make a push because the competition for attention is relatively speaking less during a work day. Food for thought and your mileage may vary.

If you haven’t established your professional landing page using re.vu, now would be a great time to join the community and take charge of your online presence. It’s free now and forever, give it a whirl.

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