I’ve gotten many questions through the back channels (why don’t you comment?) about how Gracie is doing. She’s doing very well. The drainage tubes were removed yesterday and she’s healing right up. The worst part was the first night after surgery. Poor thing was up literally all night (and I was up with her.) The good part, no cone for Gracie…
Now she’s back to her regular self wondering why she can’t go on long walks right now and generally making a nuisance of herself. We ended up canceling our family vacation this week to hang out here with her while she recovered and I think that was a good choice.
So, prognosis for a full recovery is good though the wound still looks appalling. But overall, the hound is on the mend.
Great news! Glad she’s on the mend!
Thanks Dean!
I’m glad to hear it. Though I’m very sorry that she has gone through this in the first place.