

Just in Case Palin Doesn’t Scare You Sufficiently

10.04.08 | 1 Comment

A moving piece of propaganda to be sure, I’m not of the opinion that we’ll ever live in a time without conflict. But even so, I expect the leader of our nation to be able to show restraint, think creatively, and engage in all other options before the use of force. There may be no choice, but my expectation is is that force is the last resort, not the first port of call.

Now, will John McCain nuke Iran? I don’t know. I’d like to think that he’s got a better head on his shoulders than that. But there is an alternative and I’m pretty sure that the alternative will not nuke Iran. Vote. Vote early, vote often. Get your family and friends and neighbors and colleagues to vote. This really matters. We may be able to recover from the last 8 years of mismanagement and deceit, but it’s unclear if we can recover from any further abuse of power, trust, and public funds.

This really matters. THIS. REALLY. MATTERS. VOTE!

HT: Ray

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