

Foot Free Debate

10.03.08 | Comment?

Well, they played to a draw last night. Neither Palin nor Biden crashed and burned in the way that I hoped for Palin and feared for Biden. What does it mean? Nothing. The pressure for Palin to recuse herself is now off with her performance. Biden didn’t look like an attack dog and alienate a huge group of voters. So net/net, nothing changes.

Who won? Who cares. Palin won by not getting blown off the stage and Biden won by controlling his emotions. On content, it was no contest, Biden won. An interesting thing for me is I listened to the first half of the debate on the radio in the car and then saw it replayed in its entirety later in the evening. My impression from listening was that Biden was blowing out Palin. Watching it however, I thought it was a much closer event.

One change I would like to see is this: if you can’t pronounce the word, you shouldn’t use the word. For instance, nuclear. It’s pronounced new-cle-ar, not new-queue-lar. Please, stop saying it if you don’t know how to pronounce it. I’m talking to you straight talk Sarah. I mean it, stop.

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