

New Job Blogging Blues

06.06.08 | Comment?

A couple of weeks ago I switched jobs, this constitutes an upgrade in every possible dimension except for two: my commute now does suck, badly and my blogging time has been reduced to virtually nil. That’s not to say it will be like this forever, but learning a new technology domain, product portfolio, personalities in a fair-sized, internationally distributed environment, and needing to make nearly immediate assessments about resource allocation and focus pretty much are wringing the intellectual energy out right now.

So, the net of this is, while I come up to speed in the new role, I expect blogging to be a little choppy. Perhaps there will be times when I can’t really hold back from saying something – but for now, the time required is in short supply, so bear with me and I’ll get back into a routine in the relatively near future.

Now, something for all those people who might be feeling a little frustration at work, maybe feeling a little angry toward office equipment…

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