

One Courageous Representative

05.13.08 | Comment?

Representative Steve Kagen
Congressional Representative Steve Kagen
Attribution: Scientific American

I’ve been very tough on politicians in this blog and it’s not often that I single one out for praise. Dr. Steve Kagen a Congressional Representative and physician from Wisconsin has taken a very courageous and meaningful stand:

“I’ll respectfully decline [Congressional Health Coverage] until you can make that same offer for all of my constituents.”

This statement was made the the HR rep asking him what his choices would be in benefits. Kagen, at age 58 and in good health, now joins the estimated 47 million Americans with no health care coverage. Scientific American has an excellent detailed and in-depth report about Kagen and this approach to making the health care for all Americans issue front and center in a very personal way. This is leadership by example, something that has been almost entirely absent from politics over the past decade, and should be recognized and emulated.

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