

Central Campaign Issues

05.08.08 | Comment?

As Republican Candidate John McCain takes on Democratic Candidate Barack Obama this fall, they need to focus on solving one problem: the fundamental unsustainable economics impacting the country. Yes, there are many other issues, but this is the one that most can affect our future. Ultimately, the country is suffering from stagflation, recession, etc.; pick the label you like best. The country needs some good, common sense, fiscal discipline coupled with a pragmatic view to foreign policy and a focus on energy independence as a lever to achieve our national aims.

Dollars going down the Drain

Job #1, the government needs to stop spending more than it takes in and borrowing to cover the gap. The national debt is over $10 Trillion and rising quickly. Whatever revenues are projected, bring spending in at 80% of that level. That means many pet-projects will be cut, that’s the price we have to pay for getting in shape. The first one should be a cease and desist on the policy that the US should act as the world’s policeman.

Job #1a, find as graceful and responsible exit from Iraq and Afghanistan as possible (oh, and South Korea while we’re at it.) Reclaim that funding and re-orient our military to be a strong defense force first concentrated on securing our borders. I’m not suggesting we turn into anti-immigrant wingnuts, but control of borders is an important step in national security. The candidate should facilitate a humane and practical policy to support immigrants, legal and illegal, at the same time stop the flow of illegal material and illegal immigrants into the country.

Job #1b, re-orient the Department of Energy to catalyze and support activities in conservation, transportation, and electricity generation that moves the country toward energy independence. The technology exists today to achieve this goal in 20 years time if we only agree to do it and follow through with it.

Job #1c, take the 20% budget surplus (and any other new revenue/savings) to bring the national debt down to reasonable levels and stabilize the economy and currency.

As I consider my voting decision this fall, these are the issues I’m going to examine with respect to the candidate who will get my vote. Frankly, if we don’t take this course, everything else is just noise. I’m anxious for the positions to be more fully articulated by each of the nominees. I’m also anxious to understand who the running mate will be for each. Should be a fun election season.

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