Candidates, let’s review, shall we? Everything you say and everything you do is now captured for posterity either on video or audio recording devices. Since our politicians seem to be a little slow on this issue, I’m going to repeat it. Everything you say and everything you do is recorded. Is that right? Is that fair? Is it relevant? Who knows.
But I, for one, would not welcome that news. Consider your own situation for a moment, how well would you endure having every waking moment recorded to be used against you at some future date? It’s amazing they do as well as they seem to do. However, with the latest tempest in a teapot boiling around the Obama/Clinton race, using this maxim that everything you do and say is recorded can be helpful.

A couple of weeks ago Mrs. Clinton “misspoke” about coming under sniper fire during a visit to the Balkans. Video promptly emerged showing that that sniper fire came in the form of a greeting and hug by an adorable local girl. Clinton’s response? I misspoke. Now, Americans may be stupid, but even stupid Americans know Clinton was lying through her teeth to gain advantage in the race. Having been on the business end of a gun before personally I can tell you it’s a very memorable experience and one that sticks with you (no, I don’t plan to elaborate.) Coming back to Mrs. Clinton, if she was caught once doing this, that would be understandable. But this is a habit with the Clinton family – an inability to recognize and/or tell the truth. Oh, and the stories about her hunting, ludicrous! Can’t wait until the film shows up on that one… The Clintons seem to share some traits with the current Executive Branch in that way.

Last week in San Francisco at a “private” fund raiser, Obama was video taped making an observation that people in the middle of the country were frustrated and bitter and that led to them turning even more to religion and guns. The Clinton campaign is now attempting to use this statement (Obama, they’re recording everything you say and do…) as a means to show that he looks down upon the salt of the earth people in the midwest. Was what Obama said a lie? I’ve been in the midwest relatively recently and I can tell you people are bitter and frustrated with their economic circumstances and more to the point, some of them are turning more toward guns and religion.
So, when that 3am call comes, who do you want in the Oval Office? A pathological liar unable to separate truth from fantasy, willing to do anything to gain access to Presidential power? Or, would you like to have someone who sees the facts and tells the truth (even if it is perhaps ill-advised to do so.)
Call me picky, but I’ll take the facts and ability to observe over lying and fantasizing any day of the week and twice on Sunday.