

Make Room for Serious Criminals Bill

03.23.08 | Comment?

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It’s worth two minutes and thirty-seven seconds to view the video above. While it’s treated as a joke in the clip, there’s nothing funny about it. The reality of the situation is that our prison population has grown 16 times faster than the population at large, increasing from 1.8M people in 1980 to over 7M in 2005; many of those incarcerated are not “serious criminals” – they are people who have had the morality of others projected upon them for what amounts to a personal choice. What would the prison population look like if eating Twinkies was illegal?

It can be argued that a daily Twinkie habit is more self-destructive than a daily marijuana habit pretty successfully. Why then in this age of morality where we are our brother’s keeper are Twinkies still legal? Obviously it’s because marijuana is a “gateway drug” leading to Dorito and Twinkie abuse… All kidding aside, get educated on the reality of marijuana before rejecting common sense and beneficial legislation like Frank will propose.

Disclosure: I do not use marijuana as a recreational or medicinal drug.

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