Today is “Super Tuesday” and since our home state, California is voting today, I thought I’d roll out my endorsement for candidates on each side. Once the candidates have been selected from each party, I’ll make a selection and endorsement for a President. For now though, since we’re going to be stuck with mainstream candidates, the endorsement is based on that ambiguous notion of leadership.
When I say leadership, I have a very specific view of what it is: A person’s ability to create an attractive and achievable outcome, the ability to compel people to want to participate in achieving the outcome, and the ability to select the right people to link the vision and willing resources to execution of specific programs and projects that ensure the outcome is achieved. Here’s a handy reference on the difference between leadership and management, one leads people and one manages things.

On the Republican side, John McCain has demonstrated leadership throughout his career in public service. He has shown the ability to exercise good judgment and grow from the instances when he did not put that judgment to good use. He is clearly an experienced leader and represents the best of set of characteristics to lead this country from the Republican slate. Senator McCain has my endorsement as the Republican nominee.

On the Democratic side, Barack Obama has energized a large segment of the population and for many, provided hope for the first time in nearly a decade. His ability to communicate, motivate, and catalyze is distinct in this race for the nomination. While not as experienced as some of his competitors, he possesses leadership and judgment envied by all candidates. Senator Obama has my endorsement as the Democratic nominee.
Of special note, while not earning an endorsement, Ron Paul is to be commended and recognized for his leadership. He is definitely consistent, clear, and has some ideas that should be seriously considered. The ground swell of support for him, particularly on the Internet, has been nothing short of amazing.
Regarding November predictions, has MFTC considered the value of an Al Gore endorsement? He will likely get behind one of these candidates (my money is on Obama). He should be offered the VP role as well. The power grab that Dick Cheney engineered as VP could be turned around into some actual good that would benefit this country. Al Gore may be feeling civic-minded enough these days to jump into the fray one more time.