
Humor, Media

Old Fogy Moment

02.03.08 | Comment?

Fogy \Fo”gy\, n.; pl. Fogies.
A dull old fellow; a person behind the times, over-conservative, or slow; — usually preceded by old.
[Written also fogie and fogey.] [Colloq.]

Yesterday, we decide to take the family to see a movie, Alvin and the Chipmunks. (Well, what can you say when you’ve got a nearly 5 year old involved in the decision?) We head to Daly City to one of the bazillion screen multiplexes for a 5pm showing, it’s pouring down rain, there are long lines, and of course, I choose poorly when selecting a line. Sometimes, there’s a reason that line is shorter…

The New Chipmunks
The new Alvin and The Chipmunks from the 2008 film

In front of me are 3 teenage girls interacting with perhaps a 17 year-old boy at the window. It’s unclear what is happening, but it’s not selling tickets and it’s also not obviously teenage girl/boy interactions, there seems to be a communication/decision problem. I’ve sent the family out of the weather while I impatiently wait for the deal to be transacted. It seems like it takes forever, I’m sure it wasn’t any more than 5 minutes, but in wind and driving rain, it feels longer.

Finally, it’s my turn and I ask for two adult and one child for the Chipmunks. While I thought the communication problem was with the gaggle of girls, it soon becomes apparent it’s the counter guy, I have to repeat my request a half dozen times to make myself understood, ultimately resorting bending down and shouting through the money exchange window (his speaker/microphone combo must have been broken.) Then he announces the price is $28.25 and I have my moment.

I shout through the window “you’ve got to be kidding…it can’t be that much.” He imperfectly and impatiently explains to me that each adult is $10.25 and the child is $7.75. Guess we’ve been going to matinees (and indeed, I thought this would be for 5pm – NOT!) So I paid the money and stewed awhile then finally forgot about it and enjoyed my family, but not the movie so much. My daughter liked it and that’s what counts. I’ve never really felt like an “old fogy” before, but I certainly got a taste of it last night! Maybe I’m more of a curmudgeon? Don’t know, but it was an uncomfortable feeling…

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