Humor, Innovation

Slap one of these on your cut!

09.14.07 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Adhesive bandages in the form of bacon strips
Only $4.65 at Sprout

Crime scene bandages
Available at Archie McPhee for $4.95

Crime scene bandages
Available from Perpetual Kid for $3.99

Ninja vs. Pirate bandages
Available from ThinkGeek for $3.99

Devil Duck bandages
Available from for $4.95

Tattoo custom bandages
Design your own from $0.15 per bandage at Absorbent Ink

These sure aren’t your standard boring Band-Aids – having recently been punctured (I gave blood Tuesday in honor of 9/11) I want the Crime Scene bandages to have on hand to spice up the healing process…Who knew there were so many different custom bandages? Don’t like these, design your own…


Friday Funny: Geeky Office Slang

09.14.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Friday Funny: Geeky Office Slang

I’ve been here in the Valley since 1989, so I’ve heard alot of these things through the years. But recently I was sent a list that compiles some of the more entertaining geek slang that’s been in use over the years. A couple of them were new to me, they might be to you too…

Assmosis – The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing up to the boss rather than working hard.

Blamestorming – A group discussion of why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.

Dorito Syndrome – The feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction triggered by addictive substances that lack nutritional content. “I just spent six hours surfing the Web, and now I’ve got a bad case of Dorito Syndrome.”

Ohnosecond – That minuscule fraction of time during which you realize you’ve just made a terrible error.

Swiped Out – An ATM or credit card that has been used so much its magnetic strip is worn away.

If you’ve got others you like, leave them in the comments. Hope you got a little chuckle, I sure did.

Commentary, Humor

Pirates cause global warming!

09.14.07 | Permalink | 6 Comments

Graph of global temperature vs. number of pirates
Attribution: Wellington Grey


In a world overrun by meaningless statistics, I found this. It made me laugh. But then I also thought it was a little scary. Obviously the creator of this chart is being tongue in cheek over statistics run amok – there is no relationship (certainly not cause) between the number of pirates and global temperature. But just by showing such a thing, people can get the wrong idea fast. Like any other tool, used responsibly, statistics can be a great help. Used irresponsibly, statistics can cause great harm. Next time you see data, remember to be skeptical until the the source is validated!

Humor, Innovation

Global Warming Mug

09.13.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Global Warming Mug

Mug that shows sea level change as warm liquid is poured into it demonstrating the effects of global warming.
Mug that shows sea level change as warm liquid is poured into it demonstrating the effects of global warming. This one is animated.

So you want to know the impact of global warming? Just pour hot liquid in this mug and you’ll see what happens as the sea level rises! For a mere $11.95 you too can have this great novelty mug. See the images watch the sea level rise! What an interesting use of phase change material, recently I posted an entry on tile that changes color with temperature. If you want a mug, you can get one here.


Peek Resistant Panties

09.13.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Peek Resistant Panties
Women's underwear resistant to infrared photography

With all the recent fuss about celebrities going commando, this may not matter. But, for those women who wish to keep private areas private, here’s an invention for you. CramerJapan Athletic Solutions is now marketing panties that are resistant to infrared cameras which apparently are now being used by the paparazzi to expose that which modest people like to keep covered.

So, if you think this might be a problem, go over to CramerJapan and pick up some “lead knickers” for a mere 2,000 yen (about $17.50.) There’s reportedly a bra made from the same material in development as well…

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