
How to assess geothermal resource potential

09.11.07 | Permalink | 1 Comment

Originally published at Montara Energy Ventures.

Via Renewable Energy Access:

Question: I live near a geothermal hot spring. Does that mean that there are geothermal power resources underground? How do I go about finding out? — John from Moscow, Idaho

Karl Gawell’s Answer: Hi John. Thanks for your inquiry. I wish I could take a look at the spring. I came across one on a mesa just off a bike trail in the desert in New Mexico, and it was quite a beautiful sight. There was boiling water on the surface and all kinds of mineral deposits in and around the spring with patches of different colors.

The best answer I can give you to the first part of your question is a definite maybe. I would say that the chances are pretty good that you live near a geothermal resource. However, whether or not it is a resource that could be used for electrical power would require further exploration.

For a geothermal power resource you really need three things: 1. Hot water (do you happen to know the temperature of the spring?) 2. Permeability in the rock, and 3. Both of these attributes at a depth that is economically reachable.

Read more…

There are a great many things one can do to assess resource potential including magnetic surveys, aerial photography, shallow temperature gradient grids (2m), fault mapping, and geothermal chemistry analysis (on springs like the one listed above.) Once the results from these activities are known, it may be worthwhile to invest in temperature gradient well(s) and if that checks out, you might move on to attempt to drill production wells. Geothermal resources have all the risk of petrochemical exploration and hopefully, as awareness and pricing adjust to meet the current state of power production, the reward will be similar as well. Until the reward more closely matches the risk, geothermal exploration and development will be hampered by lack of funding, particularly in the early stages of exploration and drilling.


Idea to honor 9-11

09.11.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Idea to honor 9-11

From fellow blogger Kevin Chu:

Today I honor the memory of 9/11 by donating blood.

I urge anyone who is able to donate to do so. Blood cannot be manufactured and donations are the only way of obtaining it.

The list of requirements to donate is long so if you’ve never given blood before call or visit the web site of a local blood bank. The screening process is to protect the recipient of the blood. There are no dangers to you, the donor.

The Red Cross is a good place to donate, as are your local hospitals and blood banks. You can donate about once every 60 days so if not today then make it a regular thing.

If not for the benefit of mankind, donate for the free cookies and juice.

Right on Kevin, great idea. This is something I’ll gladly join – I encourage everyone else to do so as well.


A moment of silence

09.11.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on A moment of silence

Image of the flag of the United States of America

On this sixth anniversary of 9-11, let’s take a moment of silence to remember the nearly 7,000 people who were killed at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center, in Pennsylvania, and in the subsequent conflicts catalyzed by the events of September 11th, 2001. And, let us also remember the countless civilians killed or wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Humor, Sports

Classic commercial from a by-gone age…

09.10.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Classic commercial from a by-gone age…

After posting the story about Sexy Pole Vault earlier, I went looking for my mental image of female pole vaulter. Well, the internet is great, wouldn’t you know it, the video was available…This was what my mind conjured up when I heard about a sexy Russian pole vaulter over the weekend.

I think you’ll agree, my mental image was wrong! See below…

Attractive Female Pole Vaulter


Temperature sensitive tile

09.10.07 | Permalink | Comments Off on Temperature sensitive tile

Thinking of a bathroom makeover? If so, check out this great tile. It’s temperature sensitive so that the color changes as the tile heats. The palatte below shows single tiles in change and the series of photos there after show a full shower change. Pretty cool stuff from Moving Color.

Shower tile palette of temperature induced color changes.

Shower tile image of temperature induced color changes in a full shower.
Shower tile image of temperature induced color changes in a full shower.
Shower tile image of temperature induced color changes in a full shower.

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