Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lying
(also known as testifying) to Congress

US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigned today, effective September 17th. This comes in the wake of Gonzales firing eight US Attorneys for political reasons and then ineptly and publicly attempting to cover it up. Gonzales is the first AG ever caught lying publicly, multiple times to Congress. While loss of confidence from the Congress may be the catalyst for this resignation, unfortunately, damage to the Constitution, individual liberty, and human rights have already been done.
This is the man who helped justify torture of people, the policy of secrecy at the Whitehouse, and spying on US citizens. I thought Ashcroft was bad, but Gonzales was worse. Who knows how his successor will lower the bar…..Mr. Gonzales spoke of the honor of being a public servant in his resignation speech. Well, the best part of your service Mr. Gonzales is your departure. Gonzales lacked the core requirement for upholding the law, a grasp of the truth and an ethical compass that enables one to seek the facts and use them for the greater good of society. The tenure of this Attorney General has been a disgrace. Tweet